Committee Archive, Strategic Planning Committee

Previous Initiatives


The Five Goals and Metrics

  1. Goal: Access

    Metric: Increase participation in post-secondary education

  2. Goal: Success

    Metric: Increase Student Success

  3. Goal: Close the Achievement Gap

    Metric: Close the achievement gap among underserved populations

  4. Goal: Workforce

    Metric: Collaboratively address the challenges of the workforce and industry education needs of Nevada

  5. Goal: Research

    Metric: Co-develop solutions to the critical solutions facing 21st century Nevada and raise the overall research profile


Expanding by Degrees


The State and the System
December 13, 2021Listening Session #1, CSN North Las Vegas CampusListening Session #1 Slides
January 6, 2022Listening Session #2, Desert Research Center, RenoListening Session #2 Slides
February 14, 2022Listening Session #3Listening Session #3 Slides
February 15, 2022Listening Session #4, UNR Listening Session #4 Slides
February 16, 2022Listening Session #5, WNCListening Session #5 Slides
March 9, 2022Listening Session #6Listening Session #6 Slides
March 15, 2022Listening Session #7, UNLVListening Session #7 Slides
March 16, 2022Listening Session #8, GBCListening Session #8 Slides
March 24, 2022Listening Session #9, GBC (Elko)Listening Session #9 Slides
April 7, 2022Listening Session #10, TMCC (Reno)Listening Session #10 Slides
April 21, 2022Listening Session #11, UNLV (Las Vegas)Listening Session #11 Slides
April 28, 2022Listening Session #12, DRI Las VegasListening Session #12 Slides
April 29, 2022Listening Session #13, SW Las Vegas – Carpenters Union HallListening Session #13 Slides