Current Regents
Board Leadership

Amy J. Carvalho
Jeffrey S. Downs, Ph.D.
Vice Chair
District 11 Map of District 11
Humboldt, Pershing, and Washoe Counties
(775) 710-8897


Joseph C. Arrascada

Aaron Bautista

Patrick J. Boylan

Susan Brager

Byron Brooks

Heather Brown

Carol Del Carlo
District 9 Map of District 9
Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Lander, Lyon, Mineral, Storey and Washoe Counties
(775) 846-9909

Carlos D. Fernandez

Pete Goicoechea
District 8 Map of District 8
Clark, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Lincoln, Nye, and White Pine Counties
(775) 778-1620