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NSHE and the Board of Regents are mourning the passing of former CSN president Dr. Paul E. Meacham.
The Board of Regents received an update on the NSHE system-wide Foster Youth Success Initiative, which has helped more than 70 NSHE students with tuition assistance or other services.
NSHE Board of Regents were presented with metrics relating to their performance in the areas of Access, Student Success, Closing the Achievement Gap, Workforce Education, and Research.
NSHE Board of Regents agreed to remain a customer of NV Energy, who will make three $500,000 incentive payments for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021 to benefit NSHE’s institutions.
NSHE Board of Regents officially launched a national search for the next president of the University of Nevada, Reno on Thursday.
NSHE is closely monitoring the case of the Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California, currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.
A little more than a year ago, NSHE launched the system-wide Foster Youth Success Initiative and since then more than 70 NSHE students have been helped
NSHE Board of Regents thanked University of Nevada, Reno President Marc Johnson for his service as he announced Thursday he would be returning to the faculty
NSHE and CCSD are partnering with Operation HOPE, a global organization that works to end poverty through financial education.
NSHE has joined more than 130 other higher education institutions from 31 states supporting the University of California System in its case for the DACA program.