Stephanie Goodman

Regent Stephanie Goodman was elected in November 2022 to serve on the Board of Regents as the representative for District 13.
Born and raised in Las Vegas, Stephanie is passionate about Nevada, loves Las Vegas and is constantly working to make our state better. Stephanie has two wonderful teenagers, and two rescue dogs, a Doberman and Schnauzer. She is grateful to be surrounded by her amazing family, beautiful children and supportive friends. Stephanie is a UNLV graduate and was the first woman elected as the Student Body President of UNLV. During that year, she brought lecture programs and concerts to students but most importantly, she started the UNLV recycling program.
Upon graduating, Stephanie became an ad executive at varied agencies in Las Vegas and worked on multiple casino accounts. In 1999, she received an “offer she couldn’t refuse” when Oscar Goodman called and asked her to interview for a position as liaison to the Mayor of Las Vegas. This was a turning point in Stephanie’s career and she has not looked back since. Working to redevelop downtown, Stephanie was promoted to Chief of Staff to the Mayor and at the behest of Mayor Goodman, she worked with developers and stakeholders in our community to take a blight that was our downtown and begin some of the work to turn it into the jewel it is today.
Upon leaving her position at the City of Las Vegas, Stephanie opened her own advertising agency which is now in its 18th year. Working on varied accounts including medical, development, gaming and education, Stephanie’s business was thriving but she wanted to do more. She became the Executive Director of the Dr. Robert Hunter International Problem Gambling Center and has worked with her team to increase enrollment and funding by nearly 100%. Her focus is on increasing awareness and helping the subset of our population that has a gambling addiction. Her work is important and critical to our state and she is ensuring that there is a narrative for gambling addiction when discussing gaming and responsible gaming.
Stephanie also works closely with Nellis Air Force Base and is an Honorary Civilian Commander for the 547th Intelligence Squadron there. She works with the squadron to ensure that they receive the support they need and also coordinates a holiday gift drive with her friends and family. She believes it is the least we can do to help those who sacrifice so much to ensure that we continue to enjoy the freedoms in our great country.
As a Regent, Stephanie’s priorities include ensuring that all students in our state work to achieve a higher education – no matter the pathway or their socio-economic background. She doesn’t want students to simply opt out of higher education because they think they can’t. She believes it is imperative that individuals in our state receive a 2-year or 4-year degree and it is incumbent upon the Board of Regents to ensure the development of pathways from high school to higher education, to a viable career. Stephanie is also working to ensure that freedom of speech is encouraged and not stifled on our campuses. Her work includes assessing the climate for students and professors in an effort to maintain First Amendment rights in the Battle Born state.
Stephanie believes that her work is just beginning. She is excited about the future of Las Vegas, the future of our state and the many opportunities we must embrace to continue to grow. She is enthusiastic about continuing to affect positive change in her community.