NSHE Board of Regents Approves Anti-Discrimination Policy Revision

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents approved a revision to its Handbook adding language to address discrimination based on shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, or citizenship or residency in a country with a dominant religion or distinct religious identity.
The newly revised policy is outlined in Title 4, Chapter 8, Sections 1 and 2 of the NSHE Handbook and permits consultation of the IHRA definition of “antisemitism” and accompanying examples thereof to the extent that they “might be useful as evidence of discriminatory intent,” consistent with Executive Order 13899.
This amendment builds on a December 2022 Board of Regents decision to include mandatory anti-bias and anti-discrimination training in all diversity efforts. View Board or Regents briefing materials as attached to the agenda here. NSHE remains committed to the higher education foundation of academic freedom and free speech as well as creating safe, inclusive, and respectful environments for all students, staff, and faculty across its institutions.