Nevada System of Higher Education Institutions Graduate Nearly 14,000 Students

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) is proud to announce that nearly 14,000 students graduated from the state’s seven public higher education institutions this spring. The graduates have earned a range of doctoral, master’s, bachelor’s, and associate degrees, as well as numerous professional training certificates.
NSHE’s spring commencement ceremonies were held across the state, celebrating the academic achievements of students from the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Nevada State University (NSU), College of Southern Nevada (CSN), Western Nevada College (WNC), Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC), and Great Basin College (GBC).
“Commencement is a time of great pride for our students, their families, and the entire NSHE community. Our graduates have demonstrated exceptional resilience and dedication, and their achievements are a testament to their hard work and the high-quality education provided by our institutions. They are now well-prepared to contribute meaningfully to the workforce and to our communities.”
Interim Chancellor Patricia Charlton
The graduates represent a diverse array of fields, including healthcare, engineering, education, business, technology, and the arts. Their accomplishments highlight NSHE’s commitment to providing accessible, comprehensive, and high-quality education to students across Nevada.
Among the nearly 14,000 degrees and certificates conferred, highlights include:
- Close to 400 high school students graduated with a higher education degree in addition to their high school diplomas.
- NSHE’s youngest graduates include a 14-year-old who earned an Associate of Science and Certificate of Achievement in General Studies from GBC and his 15-year-old sister who earned an Associate of Arts in English and Certificate of Achievement in General Studies from GBC.
- A 73-year-young graduate from UNLV shows that learning is a lifelong endeavor.
- Nevada State University celebrated its first graduating class as a university at the spring 2024 commencement ceremony.
The graduates of 2024 and all their achievements underscore NSHE’s role in driving the educational and economic advancement of the state. As these graduates embark on their next steps, whether entering the workforce or pursuing further education, they carry forward the skills, knowledge, and values instilled during their time within NSHE institutions.