NSHE Chancellor Issues Statement on COVID-19 Protocol Updates

Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Chancellor Melody Rose issued a statement on updates to the system’s COVID-19 protocols.
“Consistent with the recent updates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Governor Sisolak, Nevada Health Response, and Nevada OSHA, students, employees, and members of the public who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are no longer required to wear a face covering while outside on NSHE campuses and inside buildings.
However, those who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are still required by state law to wear face coverings while inside NSHE buildings, regardless of whether other people are present, and outside on campuses when in large groups or gatherings.
As we transition into a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, compassion and patience are urged toward all students and colleagues. Employees and students may choose to continue wearing a face covering, even those who have been vaccinated. They should be permitted to do so without judgment or criticism.
All COVID-19 mitigation efforts, such as self-monitoring, signage, availability of face coverings, routine cleaning of offices, and hygiene practices are to remain in place. Campuses will continue to follow county-level and CDC guidance on social distancing and capacity requirements.
I have asked our institution presidents to communicate this update to their individual campuses.
Meanwhile, with a systemwide return to NSHE campuses set for July 1, 2021, NSHE continues to strongly encourage students and employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, NSHE has strictly adhered to the science and all federal, state, and local directives to keep our community healthy and safe. NSHE will continue to follow this practice.”
Find more information on these protocols at the NSHE COVID-19 Information Center.