Gov. Sisolak Appoints NSHE Chancellor to Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

Gov. Sisolak has appointed Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Chancellor Melody Rose to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).
WICHE is an interstate compact of Western states and territories that together, aim to expand higher education access and success in the West.
WICHE’s 48 commissioners are appointed by the governors of the 15 Western states and the U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States. The commissioners are leaders in higher education and include state higher education executive officers, college and university presidents, legislators, business and community leaders, and other key partners; together they guide WICHE’s strategic direction and assure that the Western Regional Compact is carried out for the benefit of the West.
Board of Regents Chair Mark Doubrava said the appointment was important to help improve higher education access and success for students in Nevada.
“I’m proud of the relationship NSHE and Nevada has with our WICHE partners. We have benefited through regional collaboration, resource-sharing, sound public policy, and innovation,” Chair Doubrava said.
Chancellor Rose joins Nevada State Board of Nursing Executive Director Catherine Dinauer and Truckee Meadows Community College Prof. Fred Lokken representing Nevada on the WICHE Commission.
“I am honored to be appointed to the WICHE Commission by Gov. Sisolak and am excited to work with other leaders to create more equitable student outcomes and boost economies in the West,” Chancellor Rose said.
Established by Congress in 1953, WICHE is one of four U.S. higher education regional compacts. WICHE’s programs and efforts help students pursue higher education affordably and conveniently, accelerate regionwide sharing of ideas and resources, provide expert research and policy guidance, and help higher education stakeholders thrive amidst rapid change. WICHE is funded by its members—who reap strong returns on investment from WICHE programs—and by grantmakers and others who share our desire to overcome the education and workforce challenges of tomorrow. Learn more at