Four Finalists Selected in Search for Next President of Nevada State College


Four finalists have been selected in the search for Nevada State College’s next president. The finalists will participate in campus forums on Monday, April 26, and Tuesday, April 27.

Individual virtual forums have been designated for academic and administrative faculty, classified staff, deans, executive leadership, faculty senate, students, the Foundation, and an open, community and alumni session. During each forum, a moderator will ask questions solicited in advance.

The Presidential Search Committee meets on Wednesday, April 28, at 8 a.m. to review the finalists. This meeting will not be live-streamed to maintain the integrity of the search process . Limited seating will be available for this meeting and an overflow room will be available in the Kasner auditorium to provide additional limited seating to view the meeting.

The Board of Regents will consider appointing a new president at a special live-streamed meeting at 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 29.

Please note that college guidelines and the Governor’s statewide directive require anyone on campus to wear a face-covering in public areas.