NSHE Welcomes Four New Regents

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents welcomed four new members at a swearing in ceremony officiated by Nevada Supreme Court Justice Abbi Silver on Friday.

The virtual ceremony welcomed Lois Tarkanian (District 2), Byron Brooks (District 3), Patrick Boylan (District 5) and Joseph Arrascada (District 10) to the 13-member board.
“We are excited to welcome the new Regents to our board and look forward to serving NSHE’s more than 100,000 students and our faculty and staff,” Regents Chair Mark Doubrava said. “Even as Nevada’s public higher education system faces significant challenges due to the pandemic and resulting economic downturn, I believe there are quite a few opportunities for our system and institutions to improve in the areas of student access and success, closing the achievement gap for critical populations, workforce development, and research.”
In November, the four new members were elected to the 13-member Nevada Board of Regents which governs the Nevada System of Higher Education, its eight institutions, and more than 100,000 students.
Elected to serve a six-year term, the 13 Regents governs NSHE, set policies, and approve budgets for Nevada’s public system of higher education, including four community colleges, one state college, two universities and one research institute.
The eight institutions are the College of Southern Nevada; Desert Research Institute; Great Basin College; Nevada State College; Truckee Meadows Community College; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; University of Nevada, Reno; and Western Nevada College. NSHE provides educational opportunities to more than 100,000 students.

Regent Joseph C. Arrascada was elected as the representative for District 10. He is a member of the Academic, Research and Student Affairs Committee; Audit, Compliance and Title IX Committee; Investment Committee; and Security Committee. (Picture unavailable).

Regent Patrick J. Boylan was elected as the representative for District 5. He is a member of the Academic, Research and Student Affairs Committee; Cultural Diversity Committee; Health Sciences System Committee; and Security Committee.

Regent Byron Brooks was elected as the representative for District 3. He is a member of the Business, Finance and Facilities Committee; Community College Committee; Health Sciences System Committee; and Security Committee.

Regent Lois Tarkanian was elected as the representative for District 2. She is a member of the Business, Finance and Facilities Committee; Health Sciences System Committee; Investment Committee; and Security Committee.