Chancellor Rose Updates NSHE COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

To the NSHE Community:
In consideration of Gov. Sisolak’s most recent update to the Vaccination Playbook (3.0), I wanted to give an update on COVID vaccination distribution to the NSHE community.
Points of Distribution (PODs) are up and running throughout the state for NSHE employees.
I want to encourage anyone identified as a Tier 1 employee, including front-line health care faculty/staff and university police officers, to make an appointment through your institution to receive a vaccine as soon as possible, if you have not already done so.
Our northern institutions remain focused on continuing to distribute the vaccine to Tier 1 employees as the vaccine allotments become available.
In the south, Tier 1 vaccine distribution is continuing. Tier 2 distribution is expected to begin next week, and will include all Instructional and administrative faculty and all non-instructional staff across the NSHE system who must work on campus in close contact with others, and who are not able to perform their job duties from home. NSHE faculty, students, and staff who are 70 years old and over are also eligible for priority administration of the vaccine.
Those employees who will soon be offered the opportunity for vaccination should expect to receive
communications and directions from their institutions in the coming days.
In the meantime, NSHE remains committed to making COVID-19 vaccines available to all who want them, as soon as possible. We will continue to work collaboratively with local, county, state, and federal authorities to ensure that all NSHE students, faculty, and staff receive the best available information and practices regarding COVID-19 to safeguard the health of Nevada’s entire public higher education community.
Watch for more vaccine related information and updates on NSHE’s and the institutions’ websites as the
situation evolves. Visit our vaccine distribution page for more information or to submit questions.
Finally, please continue to be vigilant and follow all health and safety directives and protocols.

Melody Rose, Ph.D., Chancellor
Nevada System of Higher Education