Nevada Board of Regents Chair Statement on Meeting Decorum

Nevada Board of Regents Chair Mark Doubrava has released the following statement on meeting decorum.
“The Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education is committed to conducting its meetings consistent with applicable rules of decorum and treating all who participate with respect. At its Board meetings on July 23 and August 7, certain inappropriate comments were made which fell below that standard.
Consistent with applicable NSHE policy, and in response to these events and related conduct, the Board hired outside counsel to provide legal guidance, conduct a confidential, thorough, and neutral review of the events, and offer recommendations to the Board.
With that work now completed, we have identified opportunities to improve our applicable policies and processes. To that end, I am asking our professional staff to evaluate and report back to Board leadership on potential improvements to Board policies, process, and training. I expect these improvements will ensure that future Board proceedings are conducted in the manner that our NSHE community and Nevada citizens deserve.” — Mark W. Doubrava, M.D., Chair, Board of Regents