NSHE Launches “me3” – An Interactive Career Aptitude Tool

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) unveiled a system-wide interactive career aptitude tool that will modernize the way students and adults search for career paths through higher education.
The me3 platform, created and utilized by Arizona State University, is an innovative and free interactive major and career quiz tool designed to help connect college majors with career interests for perspective and current students.
During a virtual presentation Thursday (watch the presentation), NSHE unveiled the me3 platform to higher education and K-12 leaders across Nevada. The interactive career aptitude tool allows students to learn about their career interests, how careers connect to majors, and helps students to design an educational experience that will set them on the pathway to success.
“This interactive career aptitude tool will help students and parents create pathways to highly-skilled careers in a new and innovative way,” said NSHE Chancellor Melody Rose. “The me3 platform can provide the type of dialogue for our young people that will connect their interests to a career path, and the necessary college credentials needed for success.”
Interested students or adults looking to retrain for a new career can learn more by visiting NSHE’s seven degree-granting institution websites to get started using me3.
College of Southern Nevada – csn.edu/admission-application
Nevada State College – nsc.edu/me3/
University of Nevada, Las Vegas – unlv.edu/academics
University of Nevada, Reno – unr.edu/academics
Western Nevada College – me3.careers/nevada/
To begin taking the test directly go to: me3.careers/nevada/
The NSHE version of the me3 platform was made possible thanks to a generous gift from The Rogers Foundation, one of the largest privately funded charitable foundations in Nevada that aims to transform the lives of children and young adults through art and education.
The initiative was made possible thanks to a new partnership between the Nevada System of Higher Education and EdPlus at Arizona State University.