Board of Regents Approve Partnership with CCSD

The Board of Regents approved a memorandum of understanding between NSHE and the Clark County School District that will focus on remediation issues, reducing barriers to dual enrollment, and increasing career and technical education opportunities.
“The greatest challenge we face in higher education in Nevada is improving student success outcomes,” said Chancellor Thom Reilly. “We cannot underestimate the importance of creating a culture of higher education for our young people and the need to grow our partnerships with our K-12 colleagues through this partnership.”
The partnership will focus on three areas: remediation, dual enrollment, and increasing career and technical education opportunities.
REMEDIATION – More than half (54.6 percent) of CCSD’s high school class of 2016 were placed into remedial coursework at NSHE institutions, and research demonstrates that students placed into remediation are less likely to earn a college degree. Shifting math and English remediation from college back to high school, allowing eligible students to fulfill their remediation through in-person or online instruction during their junior or senior year.
DUAL ENROLLMENT – Dual credit programs allow students to earn college credit while completing high school graduation requirements have already proven highly effective in encouraging students to graduate high school and attend college. The Nevada legislature demonstrated strong support for dual credit programs during last legislative session and the State Board of Education has approved over 900 dual credit courses for CCSD students.
CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION – The partnership calls for expanding participation in Nevada’s career and technical education (CTE) program at CCSD high schools to allow students to earn articulated credit at NSHE institutions and receive preparation leading to postsecondary and industry credentials in career pathways that include agriculture, business administration, health services, public safety, hospitality and information technology.
Regents Chair Kevin J. Page said the partnership will help increase student success over the long-term.
“We’ve identified the issues and found adoptable solutions to increasing student success in Nevada’s higher education institution,” Page said. “I am grateful for Dr. Jesus Jara and his staff for working with us on these issues. Together we will make a difference in how Nevada views higher education.”
In conjunction with NSHE’s Student Success Summit, the MOU between NSHE and CCSD is the first of its kind in Nevada and marks a renewed effort to increase graduation rates in higher education.
“We are committed to our partnership with CCSD. Our state demands it so we can meet the skilled workforce needs of our growing economy,” Page said.
The Clark County School District Board of Trustees approved the MOU last week.