Statement from Chair Kevin J. Page & Vice Chair Rick Trachok

We read this morning the thoughtful statement of Drs. Lang and Muro regarding the “plagiarism” allegations of the work of Brookings and Brookings Mountain West by the NSHE. We agree with the fundamental points raised by Drs. Muro and Lang which are consistent with an initial internal review, namely, that while this could have certainly been handled better, the critical focus must remain on policy.
The Board of Regents has acknowledged Brookings and Brookings Mountain West as key partners in advancing good policy for Nevada and beyond. The Board has embraced the STEM Challenge Grant concept which was advanced by the important work of Brookings and looks forward to working with Brookings to see that this critical proposal is funded in the upcoming session of the Legislature.
Like Drs. Lang and Muro, we, as Chair and Vice Chair also consider this matter behind us and will, as they suggest, “…return now to the work of developing a stronger system for delivering top-flight industry-led regional skills initiatives.”
Kevin J. Page
Rick Trachok
Vice Chair