NSHE’s Marcia Turner appointed to Clark County Medical Society Board of Trustees

The Health Sciences System (HSS) of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) is continuing its work to partner with health care stakeholders in the state of Nevada. Most recently, Marcia Turner, Vice Chancellor of Health Sciences, was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Clark County Medical Society (CCMS). She will serve as an ex-officio member of the board representing NSHE and its eight public colleges and universities.
“I am honored to be asked to serve in this capacity and I look forward to working with incoming president Keith Brill, MD and the rest of the Clark County Medical Society members and staff to help address the many health care challenges and opportunities in Nevada,” said Vice Chancellor Turner. “I’m also happy to serve as a liaison between the CCMS and the many health sciences degree and certificate programs throughout the Nevada System of Higher Education.”
Vice Chancellor Turner also serves as the chair of the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board, Health Care and Medical Services Sector Council.
About the Health Sciences System
The Health Sciences System (HSS) of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) works with leaders throughout the eight NSHE institutions to help ensure that Nevada has a highly trained health care workforce to meet our current and future needs. The HSS was established in 2006 in recognition of the unique opportunity for NSHE’s eight institutions to work together to efficiently and effectively meet the needs of our students and our state. The HSS staff is charged with serving as a catalyst and facilitator to support program development and promote collaboration within the over 200 NSHE health sciences degree and certificate programs, and to help develop partnerships with external health care stakeholders.