NSHE mourns passing of Sen. Bill Raggio

Like all Nevadans, those of us in the higher education family were shocked and devastated to hear of the death of Senator Bill Raggio. First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Dale, his daughters, Leslie and Tracy, his six grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
Much will be said in the coming days and weeks about the lifetime of accomplishments of this giant of a man. However, for those of us in higher education, indeed the whole education community, we pause to thank this man who came from humble immigrant roots and rose to great power, in part by public education. He never forgot the contribution of education to his life. We have lost a member of our family today – indeed, our patriarch and champion. You will be greatly missed, Bill, but we will never forget all that you have done for Nevada and, particularly, for her young men and women who, like you, look to better lives through education.
– Jason Geddes, Board of Regent Chair
– Kevin Page, Board of Regents Vice Chair