Nevada Board of Regents renew Chancellor Dan Klaich’s contract

The Nevada Board of Regents today unanimously renewed the contract of Chancellor Dan Klaich. The new contract period is July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2017 and provides no changes to salary.
“Dan is respected throughout the state as a leader and visionary,” said Jason Geddes, chair of the Board of Regents. “The comments we heard from his evaluation prove he has been the right person at the right time and will continue to be, as we continue to evolve our public higher education system to meet the needs of Nevada.”
The extension follows a periodic evaluation by a Board of Regents committee that was presented to the full board today.
Klaich will manage a system that has more than 105,000 students, 14,700 faculty and staff, and an annual budget of $1.51 billion. The System encompasses a wide range of educational institutions including four community colleges, a state college, two research universities and an environmental research institute.
Klaich was appointed by the Board of Regents to serve as the NSHE’s tenth chancellor on June 18, 2009. He previously held the positions of executive vice chancellor, vice chancellor for legal affairs and administration, and chief counsel.
He was admitted to the bar in Nevada and California and was in private practice for almost 30 years prior to joining the NSHE.
Klaich is a native Nevadan and a 1972 graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelor of Science in accounting. He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Washington School of Law in 1975, and in 1978 received a Master in Taxation from New York University.
Klaich served on the Board of Regents of the NSHE from 1983 to 1997, including two terms as chairman of the board.