Statement on Senate Finance Committee hearing from Chairman James Dean Leavitt

“Earlier today, Chancellor Daniel Klaich testified before the Senate Committee of the Whole, setting forth the position of the Board of Regents and the Nevada System of Higher Education with regard to the System’s budget as proposed in the Executive Budget currently under consideration by the Nevada Legislature. In my capacity as Chairman of the Board, I am reaffirming that Chancellor Klaich set forth the System’s four-point position of shared sacrifice as approved in actions by the Board of Regents with regard to the Executive Budget. Those actions are reflected in the position set forth by the Chancellor which includes an increase in tuition/fees, an equal contribution of additional revenue be added by the Legislature to the Executive Budget proposal, implementation of additional permanent reduction in operating costs throughout the System and evenly implementing recommended budget reductions in each year of the biennium.
Regent Ron Knecht, who testified under public comment, made statements that only represent his opinion. Regent Knecht does not hold authority to speak on behalf of the Board of Regents, nor has he been charged by the members of the Business and Finance Committee of the Board to speak on behalf of the members of that Committee.”