NSHE PEBP Benefits Task Force
Work of the PEBP Benefits Task Force
Chancellor Dan Klaich initially organized the PEBP Benefits Task Force in September 2010, in response to the PEBP Board’s changes to employee benefits effective July 2011. In January 2011, the Task Force concluded its work and issued a final report to Chancellor Klaich.
One of the recommendations of the Task Force was to establish an ongoing committee to address health care issues. This need became more apparent as employees began to report significant difficulties with the new PEBP plan as to cost, coverage and service.
To that end, Chancellor Klaich reconvened the PEBP Benefits Task Force in August 2011 with an expanded role to continue its work. The Chancellor has asked the Task Force to:
- Examine the impact of PEBP changes to NSHE and its employees.
- Further consider alternative plans and supplemental benefits.
- Monitor and provide input on further PEBP plan modifications.
- Gather input from NSHE employees on significant problems they are experiencing with the PEBP plan.
- Work with the new NSHE Health Care Consultant in order to help carry out the specific tasks noted above. (The NSHE Health Care Consultant is expected to be selected by November 2011.)