Retirement Program Investments
Investment Policy
The Committee has adopted a formal Investment Policy Statement to guide and document the decisions that must be made to maintain the NSHE Retirement Program and to ensure that the fiduciaries overseeing the Retirement Plan operate in the best interests of participants.
As part of the ongoing monitoring process, the RPAC conducts detailed, periodic reviews of the investment funds available in the Retirement Program.
NSHE + AON Investments USA
NSHE has retained AON Investments USA as an independent adviser on matters related to investments and management of the Retirement Program.
AON Investments USA, which acts as a co-fiduciary, works in concert with our administrative service providers to publish quarterly reports on the performance and fees of the investment funds offered in the Retirement Program. The reports employ a special color coding system that identifies funds that are repeatedly or consistently “On Watch” by the Committee.
AON Investments USA also provides notices regarding investment funds that fail to meet key monitoring criteria. The RPAC regularly posts these reports to share this information with our participants. You may also wish to review these reports to gain a better understanding of whether one or more of the other investment options available in the Retirement Program may be right for you.
Finally, In 2018 AON Investments USA provided a benchmarking report of the investment management and administrative expenses associated with the NSHE Retirement Programs’ investment options. Click here to see the 2018 Total Plan Cost Benchmarking report.