Access and Affordability
In 2011, through its partnership with Complete College America, the NSHE established an ad hoc committee charged with evaluating the accessibility and affordability of Nevada’s public higher education institutions.
Distance Education
Periodically, the NSHE reviews data related to distance education course enrollment and other related metrics.
Existing Program Reviews
Pursuant to Board policy (Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 5), a review of existing academic programs is conducted by the universities, state college, and community colleges on at least a ten-year cycle to assure academic quality, and to determine if need, student demand, and available resources support their continuation.
Faculty Workload
In recognition of its commitment to accountability and productivity, the Board of Regents regularly compiles information regarding faculty workload pursuant to Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 3.
Financial Aid
Issued annually, the NSHE Financial Aid Report includes information on the amount and types of financial assistance provided to students attending institutions within the NSHE during a given award year. It also provides trend analyses for a rolling five-year period and national comparisons, as appropriate.
Since 1967, the Nevada State Legislature has mandated higher education institutions compile a comprehensive report on program plans. Therefore, the NSHE Planning Report is prepared biennially in accordance to state law for submission to the Nevada State Legislature. This report outlines a plan for new programs and expansions of existing programs of instruction, public service and research.
Sponsored Programs
The NSHE Sponsored Programs Report focuses on awards received per fiscal year, number of proposals submitted and received, and other related information.
Scholarly and Professional Outside Compensated Services
The NSHE Scholarly and Professional Outside Compensated Services Report is prepared annually in accordance with Board policy (Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 9 and Title 4, Chapter 11, Section 12) and includes compensated outside professional or scholarly service completed by full-time NSHE faculty (aggregate data) and approved by the institution. In addition, the report verifies that all potential conflicts of interest have been reviewed and approved in accordance with Board policy.
Veterans Enrollment
The NSHE Veterans Enrollment Report meets mandate of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 396.507, which requires the Board of Regents to submit an annual report to the Legislature regarding: (1) the number of students who are veterans or who are receiving payments or benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs; (2) information about how policy changes may have affected the number of students who are veterans enrolled in the Nevada System of Higher Education; (3) the number of students who are veterans who graduated during the immediately preceding academic year; and (4) the efforts undertaken by each institution within the System to retain and graduate students who are veterans.