Prior Learning Credit-Exam and Experience
The policy of the Nevada Board of Regents governing credit for prior learning generally is set forth under Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 22. Board policy also requires institutions to evaluate military transcripts for the purpose of identifying military education, courses, training and/or occupational experience for which credit may be awarded (Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 23).
Credit for Prior Learning (Examination/Transcript Evaluation)
AP Exams: College Board Advanced Placement Examination (CBAPE or “AP” Exams)
For these exams, Board policy also states that beginning with the 2016-2017 academic year, scores of 3, 4, and 5 on the exam shall be accepted for credit to satisfy electives, general education requirements, or major requirements. Institutions must publish their policies governing these exams in their course catalogs
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Excelsior College Exam
National League for Nursing Placement Examination (NLN), Profile II
National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
American Council on Education (ACE) Corporate Credit
Special examinations administered by an academic department
Under Board policy, each NSHE institution determines whether or not to accept credit for prior learning through one of these exams and/or for other types of exams or experience. These determinations are generally made through a collaborative process involving faculty, the registrar’s office and other academic staff at the institution. The process and acceptance for credit of all types of prior learning (with the exception of AP exams, as noted above) varies by institution.
Following are links to information for each NSHE institution for more detailed information on awarding of credit for prior learning/non-traditional education for students in general
Military Transcript Evaluation
In addition to credit awarded by examination/transcript evaluation under Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 22, pursuant to Senate Bill 457 (Chapter 603, Statutes of Nevada 2017), each institution is required to evaluate a Joint Services Transcript (JST), a transcript from Air University, and/or a transcript from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) submitted by a student for the purpose of identifying any military education, courses, training and/or occupational experience for which credit may be awarded. Further:
Based on its evaluation of a JST, a transcript from Air University, and/or a transcript from the CCAF, if the NSHE institution determines that any military education, courses, training and/or occupational experience is equivalent to a course that fulfills a general education, certificate, or degree requirement and does not duplicate other credit awarded to the student in fulfillment of those requirements, credit toward the applicable course requirement must be awarded to the student.
The institution may award general elective credit for any other credit that does not fulfill a general education, certificate, or degree requirement.
Faculty must be consulted in the transcript evaluation process.
Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, Board policy (Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 23) requires each institution to maintain an inventory on its website of the military education, courses, training and/or occupational experience evaluated by the institution for which credit was awarded to a student. Following are the links to the institutional websites for more information:
For CSN Students with a Military Transcript, Click on College Transfer Credit Evaluation Tool > Military Transfer Courses