Articulation Coordinating Committee
Promoting Seamless Transfers
In order to promote a seamless system of transfer and student success, the Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC) was established by the Board of Regents in March 2018 (Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 14). This committee was put into place to review and evaluate current transfer and articulation policies and formulate additional policies to help facilitate the success of transfer students. The ACC will work to resolve student transfer evaluation concerns and provide oversight to the Common Course Numbering process. This committee replaced both the former Articulation Board and Common Course Numbering Steering Committee.
Each institution has designated an Articulation Coordinator who sits on this committee. The Articulation Coordinator is the primary point of contact for students seeking transfer evaluation and articulation information, assistance, and support. The Coordinators will also work with deans and department chairs to ensure a timely articulation decision on any course submitted for transfer.
The ACC is charged with providing recommendations to the Chancellor and the Board of Regents on proposed policies regarding transfer and articulation, conducting a continuing review of transfer and articulation practices, providing administrative oversight of the NSHE Common Course Numbering System, including but not limited to communicating curricular changes and periodic review of course offerings to ensure that students can readily transfer from one NSHE institution to another. As part of the review process, the Articulation Coordinating Committee may establish System-Wide Discipline Committees that shall include institutional faculty representatives of the disciplines.