Taking Initiative

Student Success is the Nevada System of Higher Education’s top priority. To support Nevada students NSHE System Administration and the Board of Regents lead initiatives to provide direct aid where it is most needed.

The Nevada System of Higher Education has launched a series of initiatives to reinforce and enhance access and affordability for Nevada students.

The Power of a System

A graduate with a beaming smile sits amongst a crowd of other grads during commencement

Our Institutions

The Nevada System of Higher Education, comprised of two doctoral-granting universities, a state university, four comprehensive community colleges and one environmental research institute, serves the educational and job training needs of Nevada.

Learn More About Nevada’s Institutions of Higher Education
UNLV graduates in red gowns walk in a line towards the camera

Board of Regents

The NSHE Board of Regents is comprised of thirteen publicly elected Regents. The Board of Regents decides policy for higher education in Nevada

Learn More About the NSHE Board of Regents
A smiling CSN graduate wearing a lei over his blue cap and gown amidst several other graduates

System Administration

System Administration, led by the Chancellor, develops policy and leads initiatives to support Student Success throughout Nevada.

Learn More About NSHE System Administration
A graduate in a blue cap and gown flashes a peace sign at the camera

System Computing Services

System Computing Services (SCS), a division of NSHE, provides the Shared Digital Services that are the backbone of delivering quality higher education in Nevada and connecting over 200 sites statewide to the Internet, to digital resources, and to each other

Learn More About System Computing Services

How is it all Connected?

Nevada’s System of Higher Education is its superpower. The connected higher education system in Nevada allows all institutions to benefit from each other. When one of our great eight institutions in Nevada succeeds, it translates into success for all of the institutions.

In any complex system there are many moving parts. In our case, we have a publicly elected Board of Regents that oversee the system, makes budgetary decisions, and enact system-wide policies. NSHE’s System Administration office carries out state-wide initiatives to ensures the Board of Regents policies are implemented throughout the system. The system is connected and supported with a technological backbone of shared digital services provided by SCS.

Diversity is our STRENGTH

A diverse group of graduates stand together in red graduation robes. Two woman in the front of the crowd wave excitedly to someone off-camera

NSHE proudly boasts one of the most diverse and inclusive higher education institutions in the nation.

Nevada is a state with no ethnic majority. NSHE’s institutions are reflective of the state’s population and are committed to supporting the state population to meet the current and future social, economic and workforce needs of a highly diverse state.

Five of NSHE’s colleges and universities are federally recognized Hispanic or Minority serving institutions.

Learn More About NSHE Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

By the Numbers


Fall 2023 Enrollment


2023 Graduation Rates, Four Year Institutions


2023 Graduation Rates, Two Year Institutions


Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded (2022-23)


Associate Degrees Awarded (2022-23)


NSHE Total Degrees Awarded (2022-23)