For questions regarding grades, financial aid, or other student-related issues, please contact your institution listed at the bottom of this page.
NSHE Offices
Southern Office
4300 S. Maryland Pkwy.
Las Vegas NV, 89119-7530
Phone: (702) 889-8426
Fax: (702) 889-8495
Northern Office
2601 Enterprise Rd.
Reno NV, 89512-1666
Phone: (775) 784-4901
Fax: (775) 784-1127
General Inquiries
Please DO NOT use this form for:
- 1098-T requests. Please reach out to your institution’s cashier’s office.
- W-9 information. Please instead see our Finance page.
System Facilities Reservation
To reserve a system facility, please submit the System Facilities Reservation Request form.