Board of Regents Handbook
The Board of Regents Handbook provides the governing documents and policies for the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Handbook Chapters
- T2-CH01 Organization and Administration of the NSHE.pdf
- T2-CH02 Academic Freedom and Responsibility.pdf
- T2-CH03 Tenure for University Faculty.pdf
- T2-CH04 Tenure for Community College Faculty.pdf
- T2-CH05 Personnel Policy for Faculty.pdf
- T2-CH06 Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Faculty Except DRI.pdf
- T2-CH07 Tenure for State College Faculty.pdf
- T2-CH08 Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Members of the Desert Research Institute (DRI).pdf
- T2-CH09 Confidentiality of Certain Records.pdf
- T2-CH10 Rules of Conduct and Procedures for Students of the NSHE.pdf
- T2-CH11 Student Program Dismissal Procedures.pdf
- T4-CH01 General Policy Statements.pdf
- T4-CH02 Administrative Officers.pdf
- T4-CH03 Professional Staff.pdf
- T4-CH04 Professional Staff Collective Bargaining Regulations.pdf
- T4-CH05 Graduate Assistants.pdf
- T4-CH06 Classified Staff of the University.pdf
- T4-CH07 Resident Physicians Resident Dentists and Postdoctoral Fellows.pdf
- T4-CH08 Student Recruitment and Retention Policy Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Affirmative Action Program for NSHE.pdf
- T4-CH09 NSHE Internal Audit Finance and Administration Policies.pdf
- T4-CH10 General Business Management.pdf
- T4-CH11 Desert Research Institute Business Management.pdf
- T4-CH12 Intellectual Property Research and Entrepreneurial Activity.pdf
- T4-CH13 Parking and Traffic Regulations.pdf
- T4-CH14 NSHE Planning Program Review Articulation and Enrollment Policies.pdf
- T4-CH15 Regulations for Determining Residency and Tuition Charges.pdf
- T4-CH16 Student Admission Registration Grades and Examinations.pdf
- T4-CH17 Fees and Expenses.pdf
- T4-CH18 Financial Aid.pdf
- T4-CH19 Statements of Policy for Student Publications.pdf
- T4-CH20 General Policies Regulating Students and Student Government.pdf
- T4-CH21 NSHE Data Administration.pdf
- T4-CH22 Child Protection Policies.pdf
- T4-CH23 International Travel.pdf
- T4-CH24 NSHE Intercollegiate Athletics.pdf
NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual
When the Board of Regents Handbook was reorganized in 2005, several sections were transferred to a new document known as the Procedures and Guidelines Manual. While the Handbook will now only contain bylaws, Code and NSHE policies, the Procedures and Guidelines Manual will contain System and institutional procedures, tuition & fees, as well as the documents previously known as the Chancellor’s Memoranda. The Chancellor’s Memoranda will no longer exist as a standalone document.
Additions or suggested modifications to the Procedures Manual must come from the institutional presidents, the Chancellor, or members of his cabinet and must be submitted in an electronic format. These must be approved by the Chancellor or his designee. Once a change is approved, it will be submitted to the Board of Regents office for inclusion in the online manual.
- Chapter 01 - A Preface.pdf
- Chapter 01 - Campus Development.pdf
- Chapter 02 - Appointments and Evaluations.pdf
- Chapter 03 - Salary Schedules.pdf
- Chapter 04 - General Guidelines and Procedures.pdf
- Chapter 05 - Fiscal Procedures.pdf
- Chapter 06 - Academic Procedures.pdf
- Chapter 07 - Fees and Tuition.pdf
- Chapter 08 - Degrees and Awards.pdf
- Chapter 09 - Regent Guidelines.pdf
- Chapter 10 - Risk Management and Safety.pdf
- Chapter 11 - Financial Aid.pdf
- Chapter 12 - Millennium Scholarship Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship.pdf
- Chapter 13 - Identity Theft Prevention Program Red Flag Rules.pdf
- Chapter 14 - Export Control and Economic Sanctions Policy.pdf
- Chapter 15 - Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.pdf
- Chapter 16 - Temporary Hourly Appointments.pdf
- Chapter 17 - Information and Communications Technology Accessibility For System Adminstration.pdf
- Forms Appendix.pdf
- P&G Title Page.pdf